Bridge Walk
The 5.9km walk starts at 10am from Government House, Sydney. As we come out of Government House we turn right towards Macquarie Street and then right again down to the Sydney Opera House. At the bottom of Macquarie Street, we take a left-hand turn just before the roundabout and head towards Circular Quay. We walk along the Circular Quay pathway past the ferry terminals and the MCA, turning left into Argyle Street, The Rocks. Up Argyle Street about 400m, we turn left onto Cambridge Lane, turn right and up two small flights of stairs onto Cumberland Street. Cross Cumberland Street at the pedestrian crossing and head north towards the Harbour Bridge steps. Walk up the stairs onto the Sydney Harbour Bridge pedestrian path and across the bridge to the Milsons Point steps - don't go down the steps! - turn around and walk back south over Bridge again. We return walking along the Cahill Expressway footpath back to Government House and across the finish line to enjoy the Wellness Festival.
2km Mini Walk
The 2km mini walk starts at 10.15am from Government House, Sydney. The Mini Wellness Walk is an accessible route with no steps or stairs, however it does contain one moderate-short hill. As we come out of Government House we turn right to walk down Macquarie Street, head towards the Opera House, following the seawall clockwise around the Opera House to the Queen Elizabeth II Gates. Walk through Queen Elizabeth II gate into the Royal Botanical Gardens following the pathway back towards Government House (on the eastern side) and across the finish line to enjoy the Wellness Festival.